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Spotlight: Annabel Pulman

The Wedding Singer is showing July 27-31! We reached out to Annabel Pulman, to find out more about her and what working on this fun production has been like!

What is your favorite song in this show and why?

Pop! The harmonies are really fun and I get to wear an over-the-top 80s dress!

What have you loved so far about working with SART?

I really appreciate how caring and invested SART is in their actors. The entire directorial team is wonderful to work with. And I absolutely love each and every actor I’ve worked with this summer!

Tell us about your character. What’s your favorite thing about them? What do you love about getting to portray them?

I am in the ensemble so I get to play a couple of different characters which is so fun! I play two different bridesmaids and “lady with sideburns” all of which are exciting characters with fun costumes!!

How did you get into theatre?

I’ve lived in NC for most of my life and I started my theatre journey in the area at Asheville Performing Arts academy and trained there for about ten years. I now attend Oakland University in Michigan where I’m getting a BFA in Musical Theatre.

What’s your favorite thing to do in the area?

I love going to all of the local coffee shops some of my very favorites are odds Cafe, Trade and Lore, and Summit Coffee.

What about this production are you the most excited about?

I am really looking forward to the ridiculous 80s costumes and challenging choreography!

What’s your favorite part about performing?

I love storytelling and the impact it has on people.


Annabel Pulman (She/Her) is excited for her first summer at SART! She is currently pursuing a BFA in Musical Theatre at Oakland University in Michigan and will be a sophomore in the fall. She is a North Carolina native and happy to be home. She would like to thank her family and teachers for their continued support.

The Wedding Singer opens on July 27th and runs through July 31st! Grab your tickets here:

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Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre (SART) is a professional theatre company in residence at the historic Owen Theatre in Mars Hill, North Carolina. Conceived in 1974 by director and theatre educator Jim Thomas, SART has produced scores of original works, plays & musicals over the years many portraying the rich culture and heritage of Southern Appalachia.

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 Mars Hill, NC 28754, USA

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